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Basics Of Human Trafficking Essay Writing Revealed

human trafficking essay

One step at a time we’ll go, like a baby learning how to walk, let us start with the crawling and slowly advance to the walking part of this exciting type of essay.

Now, human trafficking did not just emerge the other day. It’s something that our great grandparents (or ancestors for that case) saw and experienced. In other words, one can describe it as a slave trade modified or sugar-coated-in a new name. However, a pig will remain a pig even when brought to town; it will still look for some mud to roll in and have fun.

What is human trafficking then?

It is merely buying and selling of human beings for forced labor, sexual harassment, or prostitution purposes for the traffickers or their clients. Of importance to note is that the consent of the trafficked person never matters.

From the brief description above, it’s not a matter anyone would discuss with all smiles. No. It’s a subject that needs handling with extreme caution as there are victims who may be affected further by what you pen down.

Have we lost touch up to that far? I hope not.

A human trafficking essay should, therefore, center on exposing the evils, tricks used, or how to alleviate this menace from the society. Any article that glorifies this evil practice may never see the light of day, or rather, even a ray of light.

Human Trafficking Research Paper Outline

As in any other type of argumentative essay, the same format applies. Here is just a brief reminder of the same in case you forgot.


I know men will be good at this. Ladies are asking why?

Whenever a man sees a beautiful lady and wants to court her, he will make sure that the introduction part packaged is well packaged to win the lady.

So, how should your introduction on a human trafficking argumentative essay be presented? Ensure that you win over the hearts of your readers in this critical part.

The thesis statement should also come out clearly in this part. It should clearly state your position on the topic so that the reader can also argue against if he/she so wishes.

The Body

Once you’ve lured your reader using the introduction as a bait, it’s now time to unleash your armory one by one firing the shots on target.

Do not waste words on anything else but defending your position. You will be required to explain, describe, and give examples in this section.

Do you have any statistics, recent research findings, or any other credible and authentic information? Then this is the place to hammer it all, not leaving anything to chance. A friend once told me that he would craft his body with the accuracy of the person writing the president’s speech.


Ever wondered why people prefer using a punch line in the end? Well, it’s because the punch line will hit the reader so hard that he won’t forget – not smashing his face.

Make a summary of the whole argument and present it in a precise manner. One can also offer a solution at this point. However, the golden rule still stands, do not add any new information!

Briefly, let’s now look at the two forms of human trafficking. These two are major:

  1. Forced Labour
  2. Sex

We’ll, therefore, start with how you can write a human trafficking research paper based on the forced labor of the people that are moved illegally without their consent.

1. Human Trafficking Essay on Forced Labour

Such an essay should, therefore, focus on issues such as:

  • The kind of people trafficked (old or young; ladies or men).
  • Working conditions of these people.
  • Countries where they come from
  • The aftermath of such trafficking

Bringing these kinds of malpractices to light will prompt organizations such as UNICEF, and UN watches to act.

Secondly, let’s delve into a human trafficking essay on sexual harassment or prostitution and tips on how to write one.

2. Human Trafficking Research Paper on Sexual Harassment

So, what is the secret recipe in such a human trafficking paper? The writer should clearly show the following in his article:

  • Health repercussions
  • Forms of sexual harassment
  • Comparison between the number of men and women trafficked in this line
  • Short and long term effects on the victims

There should be maximum sensitivity exercised in this form of essay.

Closing Remarks On Crafting Human Trafficking Essay

Human trafficking is a vice being fought everywhere in the world. Therefore, your essay should be more of offering solutions to this plague, if I may refer to it that way.

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