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Top 150 Satire Topics to Write and Read About

satire topics

Many students struggle to choose or come up with satire topics for their essays. That’s because some learners don’t understand what satire means. But, composing brilliant write-ups on this subject requires learners to know what it is all about. Unfortunately, most people misunderstand satire.

Satire essay topics are humorous. Write-ups on these topics make readers laugh. When writing on these topics, learners can also look into the flaws of a person and mock them in some ways. If you’ve been asked to write a satire essay, paper, or speech, here are good satire topic ideas from our essay writers.

General Satire Topics

Do you want to write an essay on general but humorous topics? If yes, this category has some of the best topics to write a satire on.

  1. Why every music superstar should spend more money on flashy jewelry and cars
  2. Why storytelling is a boring thing
  3. Why society needs more violence and sex in movies
  4. Why society needs more despair-themed movies
  5. Why we need more movie scenes with white superheroes
  6. Everything in the fashion scene is fake
  7. A healthy diet – cigarette and beer buffet
  8. Beauty and power – Every young girl’s new sensation
  9. Child labor’s advantages- How children tailors benefit the fashion industry
  10. Social class separation – The $30,000 dress and high-end designers
  11. Why award college athletes with cash and mega scholarship deals?
  12. Why professional athletes’ drug tests need to be banned
  13. Here’s why sportsmen should be encouraged to use steroids
  14. Why raise the normal price for movie tickets?
  15. Photo manipulation and fashion – More recognition for unrealistic standards
  16. Mark Walberg should vie for the presidency
  17. How to compensate for the efforts of professional athletes
  18. Dumb and wealthy- A case for uneducated athletes
  19. Why technology verification in sports is not necessary
  20. Society needs more slim and fit models in the fashion industry

Use any of these topics to satire some elements in the society. However, you need to study those elements carefully to come up with a good write-up.

Interesting Satire Paper Topics

Do you want to write an academic paper on something satirical? If yes, here are good topics to write satire about different issues affecting society.

  1. Using nepotism to solve leadership hurdles
  2. Truthful leaders do not help the American people’s greatness
  3. Why self-ambition is necessary for great leadership
  4. How cabinet turnover helps a president
  5. How alternative facts affect the meaning of certain aspects being discussed
  6. How immigrants are responsible for all crimes
  7. How global warming benefits humanity
  8. Carbon discharges do not have negative effects
  9. People should be allowed to throw garbage anyhow, anywhere
  10. People should use the ocean as their dumping site
  11. Society over-hype eco-friendly vehicles
  12. How fun is the pollution of parks?
  13. Society overrates safe air travel
  14. Racial profiling safety
  15. Shooting first advantages
  16. How police brutality benefits society
  17. Why workplace safety is not necessary for women
  18. Narcissism is at the core of leadership mannerism
  19. Scary words to tell an airplane’s seatmate
  20. Don’t consider the airplane’s seatbelt sign because life is generally short

This category also has funny satire topics. However, you should be creative to come up with a good write-up on any of the topics you opt to write about.

Satire Topics for High School Students

If you’re a high school student and your teacher has asked you to write a satire essay, you should settle on a good topic. Here are good satire topics to consider for your essay.

  1. Abandon your vehicle and global warming will reduce significantly
  2. Obesity issues – Solving them by distributing foods depending on the bodyweight
  3. Using shouting matches to solve workplace conflicts
  4. Racism is a global menace- Every racist should go to Antarctica
  5. Abortions should not be prohibited- People can use kids to get a free workforce
  6. Unable to avoid fast food?- Let your cholesterol help you
  7. Unable to choose between work and family?- Use a coin to decide what should come first
  8. Incorrigible criminals and amnesty- A sure way to set terminally sick people free
  9. Equal salaries introduction- The best way to prevent social prejudice
  10. Don’t have enough time for raising your child?- Let TV shows babysit your child
  11. Speech freedom explained- Allow people to say anything they want
  12. Decongesting the cemeteries- Allow voodoo to raise the dead
  13. When money is a serious issue- eliminate the currency
  14.  Use illegal immigrants to provide a free workforce to curb illegal immigration
  15. Use Sparta’s methods to address the overpopulation issue
  16. How to show the teacher that you don’t intend to listen
  17. Why teachers should be overpaid
  18. Why sports hobby is not necessary when learning teamwork
  19. Why school safety is just a waste of time and resources
  20. Why high school lessons are crap

Consider any of these easy satire topics if you’re in high school and you want to come up with a write-up that will impress your educator.

Funny Satire Essay Topics

Maybe you want to write an essay about something every reader will find funny. In that case, consider these funny satirical essay topics.

  1. Convincing ways to tell a perfect lie without getting caught
  2. How to be right to everyone when you’re wrong
  3. Why are there more teen moms these days?
  4. Being a cat in a rat race- a perfect way to win
  5. Promoting some careers with comic books
  6. Why you should not ignore strangers
  7. Why stress is common in the upper class compared to the lower class
  8. Why you should follow advice from a stranger
  9. Why should be an annoying person
  10. Homelessness is not that bad
  11. Why women should be fit always
  12. Why humans should treat animals with kindness
  13. Why more men should stay fit than ladies
  14. What is your favorite chore?
  15. Reasons to adhere to your appointments
  16. How to embarrass yourself during the first date
  17. Actual problems for the working class
  18. How to criticize the boss without being fired
  19. Maintaining a stable relationship
  20. Are people overcrowding burial grounds?

These are interesting topics for satire. But, they require creativity to come up with good write-ups.

Satire Essay Topics on Medicine and Science

You can also write a satire essay or paper when pursuing medicine or science studies. Here are examples of good satire essay topics to consider.

  1. How does traveling benefit pregnant women?
  2. Why does almost everybody get a cold during the winter months?
  3. Using music to cure diseases
  4. Can HIV AIDS be cured?
  5. Don’t encourage women to breastfeed- Here’s why
  6. Reasons to undergo plastic surgery after losing your ID
  7. Which cancer do you consider better than the others?
  8. Why people should do away with minerals and vitamins
  9. Reasons to think about going to space
  10. How a person’s bodyweight determine what they eat

These are good satire writing topics for learners pursuing medical and science programs. However, some of these topics require some research to come up with amazing essays.

Satire Topics about School

Maybe you want to write an essay about your school in a satirical way. In that case, consider this satire topics list.

  1. How to succeed in your school
  2. How important are school uniforms?
  3. How to go through the school’s social pyramid
  4. Are chalkboards still relevant in schools?
  5. Things teachers will never teach you in school
  6. Is graduating from school necessary?
  7. Are good grades important?
  8. How to use your time in school better
  9. How you can use your time better instead of going to school
  10. How to flunk the exams
  11. How school dropouts are better than graduates
  12. Why high schools should legalize bullying
  13. How schools do not help students manage their time
  14. Why schools make grades seem like everything for students
  15. How school bullying compares to office harassment

These are good satire topics for students that want to write about something touching on their school. Nevertheless, learners should take their time to write exhaustively on any of these satire topic ideas.

Popular Satire Topics

Perhaps, you want to write a satirical essay or paper on a topic that will resonate with everybody in your society. In that case, consider these topics for a satire essay.

  1. What the gun control act means for the citizens
  2. Exciting ways to exercise your voting right
  3. Why do people trust politicians?
  4. Simple ways to deal with the immigration problem in the USA
  5. How to use public participation to confront terrorism
  6. Why Jacob Zuma opted to resign
  7. How bad or good is media freedom?
  8. What’s happening to the African National Congress in South Africa?
  9. How Brexit will affect trade between Asia and Europe
  10. Rating the Trump Presidency
  11. Why President Donald Trump stands out from the other presidents
  12. Why speech freedom is necessary
  13. Why North Korea needs press freedom
  14. Why do people believe their politicians?
  15. Why did Kenneth Bone become a sensation during the presidential debate?
  16. How does Brexit benefits Britain?
  17. How communism compares to capitalism
  18. Did the aliens build China’s Great Wall?
  19. Why Russia is the top ally for America
  20. Interracial marriages will discourage racism

This category also has some of the best satire speech topics. Nevertheless, learners that pick any of these topics for a satire paper should be prepared to research extensively before writing.

Satirical Topics on Morality and Religion

If looking for satire topics for essays on morality and religion, consider some ideas in this list.

  1. Why is the Holy City of Mecca a respected place for Muslims
  2. Why playing every day is so important?
  3. How has the war between Muslims and Christians in the Middle East affected their lives?
  4. What message do you expect from the Pope every Easter season?
  5. What is the effect of new scientific findings on religion?
  6. What is the cause of increasing divorce cases?
  7. Has social media affected how Christian worship?
  8. Why are even the strongest marriages breaking abruptly?
  9. Does morality support plastic surgery?
  10. Challenges faced by the Jews during the Second World War

Satirical Essay Topics on Nature and Environment

If you’re an environmentally conscious person, you may want to write about topics in this category. Here are brilliant ideas for satirical essays on nature and the environment.

  1. Is recycling the ideal approach to enhancing the environment?
  2. What will happen when oil will be more important than water
  3. Should humans compromise environmental policies for housing projects?
  4. The role of polythene bags in environmental pollution
  5. How humans damage the ozone layer through deforestation
  6. The impact and functions of the UNEP
  7. The most threatened species worldwide
  8. Crops that Middle East nations grow for food
  9. Simple solutions to soil erosion
  10. How to prevent global warming by refusing to brush your teeth and gums

This category also has interesting topics for anybody that loves writing satire topics essays. But, some of them may require some research to come up with good write-ups.

Satirical Topics in Pop Culture

You can also write a satirical essay about pop culture. Here are sample topics to consider in this category.

  1. Celebrities are also human beings
  2. Why does somebody become a trending personality on YouTube?
  3. What are the latest hipster trends in the current music industry
  4. How to excel in personal branding using the social media and some other social media essay topics
  5. Differences between the reality and what the media thinks teens like

This list has good satirical essay topics for learners at different levels. However, some of these topics require research and creativity to come up with brilliant write-ups. Choose a topic you’re comfortable with and love will love writing about to earn the top grade.

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