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Writing A+ Grade Rhetorical Analysis Essay (With Tips)

rhetorical analysis essay

Killing three birds with a single stone is what we are going to do. We are going to look at how to write a rhetorical analysis essay step by step meticulously and uniquely.

Are you ready for this? Then let’s dive right in.

What is a rhetorical analysis essay? It is an essay that deconstructs a topic into parts, then shows how the different parts integrate to form a given effect—either persuasion or informing.

In other words, it is like amplifying the nuts and bolts of a specific topic. Hardly will you miss this assignment in your Advanced Placement English exam.

Amit Kalantri once said, “Music shouldn’t be just a tune; it should be a touch.” In the same case with writing, it should be more than what meets the eye.

With rhetorical writing, we are majorly interested in what transpires behind the curtains to get feedback from the audience by the writer. We may take the example of a public speech where the speaker would want to engage his audience.

A rhetorical analysis essay ought to show the goal or purpose of the article. For instance, it may be in the form of looking at the following:

  • The appeals
  • The evidence
  • Techniques used and why

Here’s the deal now:

Prerequisites for Writing a Rhetorical Analysis Essay

The following should be considered before you embark on jotting down this type of essay:

  • Read the passage
  • Annotate
  • Discover the main devices
  • Develop your argument about the author’s devices
  • Purpose of the essay
  • The audience

And now you are good to start writing your rhetorical analysis essay.

How you begin this kind of essay matters a lot as it determines whether the readers will develop on lose interest in your article. Some of the exciting ways you can start your rhetorical analysis essay are:

  • A joke
  • Question
  • Metaphor
  • Interesting story
  • Poetic language

But here’s the catch:

There are many examples of rhetorical analysis essays. However, without a proper understanding of what this is all about, the samples would be as good as dead. To have a top-notch essay, you may have to consider the following:

Writing A Rhetorical Analysis Essay – Steps to Follow

Step 1. Apply the SOAPS Formula

It is an acronym used to denote Subject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, and the Speaker.

Subject: What is the theme of the text?

Occasion: The events that led to the article either before or happening at that time.

Audience: To whom is the author speaking?

Purpose: What is the person persuading the audience to think or feel?

Speaker: Who is speaking? What are his/her ethos?

Tone: How does the author feel about his subject?

Step 2: Have a second look at the text and make more notes

Here, one should have a keen eye for appeals to emotion. You may choose to annotate words or phrases that denote this using circles or underline. They include facts, statistics, or cause and effect statements available in the text.

Great word choices, imagery, or poetic language can also be singled out in this crucial stage. It is a stage that requires you to focus on the text without which you will not be able to identify the words mentioned above or phrases.

Let’s have a brief look at ethos, pathos, and logos, shall we?

Ethos, Pathos, and Logos – What are they?

Maybe you are hearing these words for the first time and wondering, what in the world are these terms? They don’t even sound like English, don’t they?

So, ethos refers to that which will convince your readers to believe you or put the correctness of your opinion on the text analysis.

Pathos deals with the emotional implication of your text to the reader. It is achieved through various devices that help cause an emotional feeling, either positively or negatively.

Logos refers to the voice of reason. It shows how the writer provokes the readers’ minds to think in a particular line of thought.

You may want to look at the rhetorical analysis sample to explore more ideas on this stage.

Common Mistakes You Should Watch Out For

Here are a few of the common mistakes to desist from at all costs.

  1. Avoid like a plague, writing about your point of view.
  2. Develop a sixth sense in dealing with the ethos, logos, and pathos
  3. Relating the Purpose and Audience to the quotes used

Those are, but a tip of the iceberg of the numerous mistakes students make when writing a rhetorical analysis essay. Lucky for you, you won’t fall into the same trap.

Top 7 Useful Tips to Writing an Award Winning Rhetorical Analysis Essay

  1. Write in the present tense
  2. Use the right tone and diction
  3. Refer to yourself as “the audience” or “the reader.”
  4. Use evidence such as direct quotations
  5. Respond to the text truly
  6. Appropriate paragraph length (three-body paragraph)
  7. Use of figurative language such as similes, metaphors, and hyperboles
  8. Do not argue, instead analyze
  9. Avoid clutter words like “in.”
  10. Proofread your work after writing

Having Troubles? Get Writing Help!

The above tips can be referred to as the “master recipe.” Apply them in your rhetorical analysis essay today and see the finger-licking effect on your readers.

Most students have a substantial backload of assignments at the end of the day or week, and some of them may find it hard submitting all these assignments on time. Also, it is not all students who have excellent writing skills, or a unique mastery of the English second language. Are you one of these students? Expert help on rhetorical analysis essays would be the best option for you.

With years of experience in the academic writing arena, we guarantee you top-notch, error-free papers. Contact our team of well-reputed, professional writers today to get writing help on your essay assignment.

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